Care for the Elderly: Tips, Advice and Recommendations for 2018
Caring for the elderly is not an easy procedure, it takes a lot of time and patience. It is necessary to take into account many psychological and social factors, since caring for the elderly should not be limited only to taking care of their physical condition. It is very important to provide psychological support, to develop the social ties of the elderly person with the family and the society in which he lives. Care for the Elderly Duration of sleep of elderly people should be 7-8 hours a day and even more if the old person is sick and his body is exhausted. At the same time, close ones should remember that the nervous system of the elderly is very vulnerable and a quality sleep is the key to its recovery. Even one sleepless night leaves negative consequences in the form of a bad mood and physical weakness. Unfortunately, most elderly people have problems with sleeping in the form of night insomnia. In this case, old people can doze off intermittently during the day, but th...